What is
Veterinary physiotherapists work as part of a vet-led team to achieve a complete care plan for rehabilitation following injury, surgery or life long conditions.
The aims of veterinary physiotherapy are to relieve pain, restore or maintain function and movement, and improve quality of life.
This is done using treatment methods to break the cycle of pain and resulting movement compensations.
Which conditions can we help with?
Developmental joint issues (elbow dysplasia, hip dysplasia)
Patella luxation
Cruciate ligament disease or injury
Neurological disorders
Intervertebral disc disease (IVDD)
Lumbosacral disease
Muscle, ligament and tendon injury
Weight loss
Fitness and conditioning for working or sporting animals
What are signs to look out for?
Trouble jumping in/out of the car, or on/off the sofa
Struggling to get up/down stairs
Looking stiff after long walks or when they get out of bed
Changes in movement - limping, bunny hopping, pacing
Not wanting to play, or slowing down on walks
Scuffing or toe dragging their feet along the floor
Changes in behaviour
What treatment options do you provide?
Manual therapies (massage, stretching, mobilisations, passive range of motion)
Kinesiology taping
Class 4 and Class 3b LASER therapy
PulseVet Shock Wave therapy
Exercise prescription
Home adaption advise
Underwater treadmill and hydrotherapy pool
What to Expect During your Appointment
Static Assessment
Limb Placement
Weight distribution
Body Condition
Dynamic Assessment
Active Joint Flexion
Gait Patterns
Palpation & Range of Motion
Muscle Mass & Tone
Joint Range of Motion
Spine & Neurological Assessment
Identifying Pain
Treatment Prescription
Manual Therapies
Exercise Prescription
Home Management